Branding for Clinell Violet 2.0, a semi-robotic UV-C disinfection device.
Under the successful Clinell brand sits a UV-C disinfection device, a machine which harnesses the power of UV-C light to combat the most hard-to-kill organisms. The business wanted to develop a new version of its successful Clinell Violet machine, moving away from a licensing arrangement and creating its own hybrid device using robotics and supported by a cloud-based management platform.

The Challenge
As a definite progression in the technology, this next evolution of UV-C would be entering the market at a significantly higher price point than the previous version, and many competitors, and would need the branding to match. A distinctive identity would be needed to help tell the story of this high-end machine and its superior performance over the perceived competition.
The Solution
I created a brand identity that was sensitive to the existing legacy of Clinell, but clearly stood apart as a separate sub-brand. The brand elements were chosen and crafted in a deliberate way to represent attributes of the product, for example, the warm, unexpected colour palette is powerful and purposeful - setting Clinell Violet 2.0 apart from other brands where a sterile lack of colour has created a blanket uniformity and little character.